Build a Foundation for Your Career Growth and Advancement
The career is an individuals metaphorical ” Journey” through life and learning. There are many ways to explain career and the word is used in various ways. An individual’s career may consist of general studies, technical training or simply working with the public.
For many people their career is the most important aspect of their lives. This is true for some people born into a hereditary class that has been conditioned through centuries to be competitive. It also applies to people who have inherited certain traits from parents or other relatives. This means that even the most mundane jobs have a deeper meaning for the employee.
The career path is often created as part of the employee’s preparation for college, university or work in a particular industry. It can also be imposed by employers on employees whose skills or qualifications are not suitable for a particular occupation. In many cases this is the result of an assessment of a person’s personality and skill sets. A person may become frustrated with his/her career path and wish to learn a new skill or move to a new occupation. There are various types of career path one can follow including the trade school education, university or college education, unpaid work on community projects, internships, volunteer programs, self-employment and corporate training programs.
The types of career paths available are too numerous to list here. However, some of the more common ones include the following: agriculture, which can be related to either small or large-scale farming such as growing vegetables, fruits, cattle, horses or birdlife; art, which may be related to design, sculpture, photography, printmaking or architecture; construction, which includes bricklaying, masonry, concrete, painting, carpeting, woodworking; manufacturing, which may be related to agriculture, art, construction and small-scale manufacturing such as food processing or product manufacturing; public administration, which is a combination of all of the above-listed occupations; and technology, which takes the form of computer science, mathematics, physics and engineering. All of these careers have several important characteristics, the main one being that they require the person to use a wide range of skills and judgement in their daily tasks. This calls for an individual to be versatile in the sense that they must be able to think quickly on their feet and be able to adapt to changing conditions in their work place or in their surrounding. In order to excel at any of these careers, it is necessary to exhibit the following basic traits: independence, creativity, initiative, a sense of adventure, self-stability, motivation, personal growth and tolerance, flexibility, creativity and hard work.
These traits can be learned and can be reinforced through career education, career guidance or career opportunities. Career guidance, which comes from various educational institutions including colleges, technical schools and vocational/trade schools, helps individuals choose the right career path. Career education also includes various workshops and seminars that help individuals learn about career objectives, the importance of building a supportive work team and career planning. Career guidance also provides individuals with career tips and general career information that can help them build a good foundation upon which they can build their career.
The labour market, on the other hand, is divided into different occupations. These occupations include healthcare occupations such as nurses, therapists, administrative professionals, and administrators; construction occupations such as carpenters, painters, bricklayers, plumbers and electricians; and clerical occupations such as typists, administrative professionals and accountants. Individuals who wish to progress in any of the aforementioned careers should take time to research the different types of labour markets available and find the one that best suits their educational background, personality and skills. A suitable career might require additional qualifications, training and education, depending on the occupation. The more suitable the career, the more benefits and advantages it will bring.